Global IT Support Services for International Businesses
You are looking for an experienced and reliable provider of IT support for your multinational business? Our IT technicians deliver extensive IT support services all around the globe to meet the ever growing need for technical advancement and IT security in the global corporate world. No matter where in the world your company is located or whether your business is even expanding across borders – our global IT support team is ready to provide you with the following services 24/7.
Global 24/7 IT Maintenance Services
Our ever-expanding teams is currently ready to take on maintenance tasks regarding your IT infrastructure on location in more than 90 countries. Through remote access to server and client hardware and our long-standing cooperation with trusted local hard- and software providers in 47 additional countries, we can extend our IT support to almost every corner of this planet.
Depending on your service level agreement (SLA) we provide up to 24/7 IT support on a global level to keep your business running smoothly. Our global IT support services include:
- Tailored service level agreement, up to 24/7 on a global level
- Certified IT engineers with wide-ranging skill sets
- Maintenance services for workstations, laptops and mobile devices (smartphones and tablets), printers and scanners
- Maintenance and monitoring of servers (file servers, mail servers, enterprise search engines, etc.)
- Ticketing system und telephone hotline
- IT consulting services
Global IT Security Support
The global threat of cyber-attacks via malware like viruses or Trojans, DDoS (Distributed Denial of Service) attacks, or malicious intrusion by hackers have caused increasingly high damages to businesses worldwide. Keeping your IT infrastructure safe is of imminent importance to keep your company from suffering significant monetary or reputational damage. Our certified IT technicians keep your risk for such damages to your business at the lowest possible level by providing the following IT support services on a global level:
- 24/7 remote threat monitoring of your systems to ward off malicious attacks of any kind
- Software license management including timely updating of all your software solutions – from antimalware solutions to server and client operating systems – to close possible backdoors for attacks and keep your systems running smoothly.
- Develop effective strategies for business continuity and the implementation of disaster recovery plans
- Implementation of backup plans tailored to your business needs to keep downtimes to an absolute minimum. Keep your business critical data safe by making use of our global data centers for storing crucial backups.
- Reduce the risk of phishing and man-in-the-middle attacks as well as social engineering by raising awareness of cyber threats among your employees via on-site trainings or webinars. Our highly qualified IT consultants are available around the globe.
IMAC Services around the Globe
The installation, moving, adding, and changing (IMAC) of IT hardware or software components are constantly required services in the lifecycle of a corporate IT workspace. IMAC project can already prove to be challenging on a local level, even more so, however, if your project involves global IMAC tasks. We offer professional IT project management expertise as well as experienced technicians to see your IMAC project through – whether locally or globally. Fast, reliable, and with as little interruption of your workforce as possible.
Whether your project is about moving IT workspaces from one location to another, the installation and configuration of new IT equipment or regular software update rollouts, adding to your infrastructure as your business is growing, or changing hard- and software to better fit you needs – our global team will effectively provide you with the following IMAC services:
- Professional cross-border project management
- Safe and timely moving of IT infrastructure elements with minimal downtime
- Procurement of hard- and software to add to your IT infrastructure
- Installation of required hardware on site (servers, data storage systems, switches, client workstations, laptops and mobile devices, scanners and printers, routers and network.
- Installation and configuration of required software on-site or as a remote rollout. Our support team will set up newly required workspaces as well as rollout software updates across all your business locations.
- Consultation, procurement, and implementation of additional hardware or software components, as well as upgrades and patches to existing software systems
- Change of specific parts or the whole of your IT infrastructure – whether hardware or software – that need to be replaced or exchanged to better fit your company’s needs.
Cost of Global IT Support Services
We pride ourselves to providing the best possible global IT support at the reasonable prices. For that we will take into consideration the required services, SLA, and locations. Contact us today to get a quote tailored to your specific needs.
Contact us
Contact us if you are interested in our solutions. One of our employees will evaluate your ideas and provide first consulting. After that, we will send you an offer that is optimized for your specific needs.
Phone: +43 1 8698400
We are a strong international company – to bring the best IT solutions to you. We provide an outstanding full service in the areas of IT, ITSM, software development and web development for our customers.
As full service provider and sustainable company, we provide top solutions for maintenance, consulting, networks, Exchange, Linux- & Windows servers, and more.
Software development
State-of-the-Art software development from Vienna: we work on your ideal individual solutions in software, mobile apps, interface- and database development.
Web development
We rethought web development: we offer intranets & extranets, websites, e-commerce platforms, online calculators, newsletter systems and provide classical services like SEO, SEM, and more.

Iphos IT Solutions GmbH
Arndtstrasse 89 / Top 22 1120 Vienna, Austria